Property Tax Compliance

Property Tax Compliance

Property tax compliance is vital to reduce tax liability and save your corporation from paying unnecessary penalties and fees associated with errors or delinquencies. Our property tax specialists can help your company navigate the waters of property tax compliance and ensure your corporation is adhering to current tax laws and standards.

Filing Tax Returns

Paying Tax Bills

Negotiating Assessment Reductions

Creating Custom Reports

Managing Personal Property Audits

Estimating Property Tax Liability

Reviewing Real & Personal Property Tax Assessments

Assisting with Property Tax Accrual Services

Compliance Successes

$4,200,000+ Saved

An energy client serving the Mid-Atlantic entered a new industry by buying and building a telecom infrastructure connecting 25 states, from the Eastern U.S. to the Midwest. The initial investment was significant and INTAX was tasked with establishing compliance across all state and local taxing jurisdictions in the network. In subsequent years the client impaired the assets and our focus shifted beyond compliance into minimization. The resulting annual personal property tax savings from our minimization initiatives exceed $4,200,000.

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$1,000,000+ Saved

A large multinational industrial client acquired a company with locations throughout Florida. We visited the new sites to ensure the integrity of the data and to inventory the assets acquired. Our visit uncovered several inaccuracies in the accounts. Along with correcting these, we advocated on behalf of the client for the use of historical costs for reporting, where applicable. The resulting tax savings exceeded $1,000,000.

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$175,000+ Saved

An Atlanta, Georgia based consumer products manufacturer tasked INTAX with determining the impact of COVID-19 on the value of their production facilities throughout the U.S. Our team developed a brief questionnaire designed to be distributed to local plant personnel and subsequent video conferencing, considering restrictions placed on travel during the ongoing pandemic. The collaboration allowed us to identify and quantify the impact of the pandemic and develop a narrative to communicate with local assessing officials. The resulting property tax savings exceeded $178,000.

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$100,000+ Saved

A large retail client in home furnishings had a practice of refreshing the locations every 5 years. The client’s accounting group had not been tracking the disposals as fixtures were replaced. Making accurate reporting more difficult was the practice of bundling fixture costs with other store-related equipment into lump-sum totals. We visited several locations and developed a strategy to segregate the disposed fixture costs. We were successful in detailing this adjustment with jurisdictions across 23 states. The resulting annual tax savings exceeded $100,000.

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