Real Property Tax Consulting

Real Property Tax COnsulting

Assessors often rely on statistical models, generalized data, and mass appraisals to establish a business's real property tax assessments. In contrast, as part of our real property tax consulting services, INTAX considers specific data and financial information for each property. This specificity allows us to obtain significant tax savings by identifying errors and over-valuations. INTAX has successfully represented clients on the following scenarios and would be happy to review your properties for savings opportunities.

Real Property Successes

$711,000+ Saved

A luxury casino and resort hotel in West Virginia engaged INTAX to appeal the assessment of their real property. Utilizing an income approach to quantify the additional depreciation attributed to economic obsolescence, we were able to negotiate a reduction of $34,360,000 from the noticed value. The resulting real property tax savings exceeded $711,000.

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$210,000+ Saved

A large national chain of gasoline retailers engaged INTAX for the ongoing management and minimization of their real property tax liability throughout the U.S. Through our innovative database design, site visits, data analysis, comparable analysis, and establishing alternative opinions of value we have achieved an average annual tax savings of $210,000 for each of the last 15 years.

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$201,000+ Saved

A Tennessee based retailer engaged INTAX to review the assessment associated with a large retail property in Indiana. In reviewing the detailed workpapers supporting the jurisdiction’s value, we discovered material errors in the cost approach for the valuation of improvements. Additionally, we were able to obtain land sales that contradicted the land value established by the jurisdiction. A formal appeal of the valuation resulted in a 42% assessment reduction. The real property tax savings exceeded $201,000.

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